Psychological barriers for take-up of health care benefits and child support benefits in the Netherlands
Including the most excluded? A qualitative analysis of the non-take-up of an address for people experiencing homelessness in Belgium
Measuring and Explaining the Limited Take-up of the Housing Benefit in the Netherlands
Including the most excluded? A qualitative study on the address registration for people experiencing homelessness in Belgium
The TAKE Questionnaire: a tool to measure the size and drivers of non-take-up of social benefits in Belgium
De omvang en kenmerken van de niet-opname van het leefloon, de verhoogde tegemoetkoming en de verwarmingstoelage onder 18- tot 64-jarigen in België ; L'ampleur et les caractéristiq...
Exit from and non take up of public services. A comparative analysis: France, Greece, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Hungary