The State of the Art of Product Liability in the Netherlands
Moodle Para Fortalecer la Comprensión Lectora en los Estudiantes del Grado Sexto de la Institucion Educativa Sabaneta
The Netherlands: the 2018 Agreement between The Ocean Cleanup and the Netherlands
Future of television between survival and increasing: comparison between France, Belgium and Benin
The interplay between new technology based firms, strategic alliances and open innovation, within a regional systems of innovation context. The case of the biotechnology cluster in...
Measuring induced innovation using a cost-function framework : an assessment of alternative empirical model specifications
Using New Technologies in Healthy Lifestyle Interventions Targeted at Children: The Case of the Netherlands ; Využití nových technologií v nizozemských kampaních na podporu zdravéh...
Os desafios na produção de conteúdos no jornalismo online: a newsmagazine Sábado
Enabling Social Inclusion and Urban Citizenship of Older Adults through eHealth: The iZi Project in the Hague
Strategic intelligence monitor on personal health systems, phase 2 Interim report on RMT for disease management: country studies summary