Data from: 'Species traits to guide moth conservation in anthropogenic regions: a multi-species approach using distribution trends in Flanders'
Betekenis van de bosmeetnetten voor de beleidscyclus van LNV
Ant biodiversity conservation in Belgian calcareous grasslands: active management is vital
Preadvies mossen en korstmossen.
Survival of Dutch heathlands
Meer groei dan vergroening : mogelijke gevolgen GLB 2014-2020 voor melkveehouders en akkerbouwers = More growth than greening : possible impact of CAP 2014-2020 for dairy farmers a...
9th European heathland workshop:13th to 17th september 2005 Bredene and Genk, Belgium
Le peuplement herpétologique des pelouses calcaires en Belgique ; The reptile fauna of the calacareous grassland in Belgium
Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world : proceedings of the fifth international conference on monitoring and management of visitor flows in recreational and protected a...
Bodemgeografie en vegetatie in de compartimenten Kootwijkerveen, 's Grevenhout en Deelerwoud van het Nationaal bosbegrazingsonderzoek