Impact of growth rate on the mechanical properties of Douglas-fir grown in Wallonia (Southern Belgium)
Silky bent grass resistance to herbicides: one year of monitoring in Belgium
Peatlands of Wallony (S-Belgium) ; Tourbières de Wallonie
L'agroforesterie en Belgique : atouts et freins dans le paysage agricole moderne
New Developments in the Epidemiology of Little cherry virus 1 and its Occurrence in European Plum Prunus domestica L. in Belgium.
Lessons from the year 2001 Mycosphaerella graminicola epidemic on winter wheat in Belgium
Black-grass Resistance to Herbicides: Three Years of Monitoring in Belgium
Inventaire Permanent des Ressources Forestières de Wallonie - Guide méthodologique
Le douglas sur substrat calcaire. Etude de ses potentialités forestières en Calestienne
Le mélèze en Région wallonne. Etat des lieux et stations potentielles