(Table 3) Calculation of the local marine reservoir effect based on six paired U-series and 14C numerical dates from corals located onshore along the coast of Bonaire
Identitätskonstruktionen in Luxemburg
Conservation status of the Natura 2000 species 1145 (Misgurnus fossilis) for the Belgian Atlantic region
Conservation status of the Natura 2000 species 1149 (Cobitis taenia) for the Belgian Atlantic region
Conservation status of the Natura 2000 fish for the Belgian Atlantic region
Conservation status of the Natura 2000 species 1134 (Rhodeus sericeus amarus) for the Belgian Atlantic region
Conservation status of the Natura 2000 species 1096 (Lampetra planeri) for the Belgian Atlantic region
Conservation status of the Natura 2000 species 1099 (Lampetra fluviatilis) for the Belgian Atlantic region