CHRIS JONES. Eclipse of Empire? Perceptions of the Western Empire and Its Rulers in Late-Medieval France. (Cursor Mundi, number 1.) Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols. 2007. Pp. xvii, 415....
ISABELLE ROSE. Construire une societe seigneuriale: Itineraire et ecclesiologie de l'abbe Odon de Cluny (fin du IXe-milieu du Xe siecle). (Collection d'etudes medievales de Nice, n...
SABINA FLANAGAN. Doubt in an Age of Faith: Uncertainty in the Long Twelfth Century. (Disputatio, number 17.) Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols. 2008. Pp. xiii, 212. {euro}60.00
JAMEST. PALMER. Anglo-Saxons in a Frankish World, 690-900. (Studies in the Early Middle Ages, number 19.) Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols. 2009. Pp. x, 324. {euro}70.00
ALESSIA TRIVELLONE. L'heretique imagine: Heterodoxie et iconographie dans l'Occident medieval, de l'epoque carolingienne a l'Inquisition. (Collection d'etudes medievales de Nice, n...
SARI KATAJALA-PELTOMAA. Gender, Miracles, and Daily Life: The Evidence of Fourteenth-Century Canonization Processes. (History of Daily Life, number 1.) Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols....
KRISTON R. RENNIELaw and Practice in the Age of Reform: The Legatine Work of Hugh of Die (1073-1106). (Medieval Church Studies, number 17.) Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols. 2010. Pp. xi...
KIMBERLY A. RIVERSPreaching the Memory of Virtue and Vice: Memory, Images, and Preaching in the Late Middle Ages. (Sermo: Studies on Patristic, Medieval, and Reformation Sermons an...
CHRISTIAN KROTZLOn Old Age: Approaching Death in Antiquity and the Middle Ages. (Studies in the History of Daily Life, volume 2.) Tournhout, Belgium: Brepols. 2011. Pp. xix, 346. {...
L'institution des communes dans la Belgique, pendant les douzième et treizième siècles, suivie d'un traité sur l'existence chimérique de nos forestiers de Flandre .