The Jurassic of Denmark and Greenland: The Jurassic of the Netherlands
Quaternary lithostratigraphic units (Belgium)
The Pliocene Lillo, Poederlee, Merksplas, Mol and Kieseloolite Formations in northern Belgium : a synthesis
Description lithostratigraphique et pétrographie du sondage 221E87 de Villers-devant-Orval (Trias, Lias de la Gaume, Belgique) ; Lithostratigraphy and petrography of the Villers-de...
The Hondelange Formation and the sequence stratigraphic model of Belgian Lorraine
Livret-guide de l'excursion géologique dans la vallée du Hoyoux (Belgique) pour les membres de la Société Géologique du Nord ; Guidebook for a field trip in the Hoyoux Valley (Belg...
New lithostratigraphical, sedimentological, mineralogical and palaeontological data on the Mesozoic of Belgian Lorraine: a progress report
The Jurassic of Denmark and Greenland: Colophon, contents, dedication, referees, preface
Integrating the geological database of the subsurface of the Netherlands, for efficient visualization and interpretation