Historical consciousness in contemporary society. Popular historical culture in the Netherlands, 1945-2000
Netherlands survey on criminality and law enforcement 1996
Typologie van toeristisch - recreatieve potenties
Le « club Belgique », fabrique d’engouement
Exposure to neighborhood violence and child-parent conflict among a longitudinal sample of Dutch adolescents
Openluchtrecreanten gedifferentieerd naar restrictiepatroon : bruikbaarheid van een indeling naar waargenomen restricties om deelname aan openluchtrecreatieve activiteiten te voors...
Impact of leisure on career development of secondary school students ; Incidencia del ocio en el desarrollo de la carrera en alumnos de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
Demand for a Polish Health Tourism Product : an Analysis of Tour Operator Offers and the Interest in Polish Health Tourism Based on Tourists from Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, S...
Beyond the 90 minutes: football, tourism and hospitality
The displacements between the imaginary of work and leisure in Chico Buarque of Hollanda’s poetry. The contrary side of life, the contrary side of pain ; Los desplazamientos entre...