The effects of catchment and riparian forest quality on stream environmental conditions across a tropical rainforest and oil palm landscape in Malaysian Borneo
Landscape dynamics in a transitional forest-savannah zone in Côte d'Ivoire ; Dinamica paisajistica en un area de transicion bosque-sabana de Costa de Marfil ; Dynamique paysagère e...
Ghent, Belgium—Healthy and Sustainable City Indicators Report: Comparisons with 25 cities internationally
Diagnóstico básico para el análisis histórico ambiental en el Municipio de Tabio ; Basic diagnosis for historical environmental analysis in the Municipality of Tabio
Analyse en evaluatie van de prijsvraag "Landschap in overgang"
Raamwerkplanning en watervoorziening : verkenning van mogelijkheden in het stroomgebied van de Baakse Beek
Additional file 1 of Land use mix and physical activity in middle-aged and older adults: a longitudinal study examining changes in land use mix in two Dutch cohorts
Land-use change is associated with a significant loss of freshwater fish species and functional richness in Sabah, Malaysia
Data and scripts for paper: Why is nutrient cycling in food systems so limited? A case study from the North-Netherlands region ...