The effect of location, mobility and socio-demographic factors on task and time allocation of households
Energy farming in multiple land use : An opportunity for energy crop introduction in the Netherlands
Actionable knowledge for sustainability at the water-land nexus: An inquiry into governance and social learning in two river basins in Luxembourg ; Handlungswissen für Nachhaltigke...
Embedding agroecology’s soil care principle in the urbanised society: the case of Flanders
In the townland of Cornahoe there lived two old men - James and Bernard Holland. ...
A user-driven process for INSPIRE-compliant land use database: example from Wallonia, Belgium
CLC2000 land cover database of the Netherlands; monitoring land cover changes between 1986 and 2000
Land use, agriculture and greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands: omissions in the National Inventory Report and potential under Kyoto Protocol Article 3.4
Plangenerator voor natuur-scenario's : ontwerp en verkenning van de technische mogelijkheden van de Ruimtescanner
Grondgebruikersinventarisatie Noordwest - Overijssel : gebied 230