금융세계화와 노동시장, 그리고 정당정치 : 네덜란드 노동시장의 개혁과정, 1982-1998. ; Financial Globalisation, Labour Market, and Party Politics : labour market reform process in the Netherlands from 1982 to 1998...
Social Contacts, Dutch Language Proficiency and Immigrant Economic Performance in the Netherlands: A Longitudinal Study
Good Mine, Bad Mine: Natural Resource Heterogeneity and Dutch Disease in Indonesia
Good mine, bad mine: Natural resource heterogeneity and Dutch disease in Indonesia
Dutch Migrants in New Zealand: Did they Fare Well?
Entgrenzte Lebenswelten: Wohn- und Arbeitsmigration als Ausdruck transnationaler Lebensentwürfe im deutsch-luxemburgischen und deutsch-polnischen Grenzraum ; Borderless Everyday li...
Desigualdade de género e o pay gap : estudo comparativo entre Dinamarca, Estónia, Espanha, Luxemburgo e Portugal
Financial work incentives and the long-term unemployed: The case of Belgium
Priority to Unemployed Immigrants? A Causal Machine Learning Evaluation of Training in Belgium
Priority of Unemployed Immigrants? A Causal Machine Learning Evaluation of Training in Belgium