Cross-medial news usage in the Dutch-language region : a comparative study of news repertoires in the Netherlands and Flanders
Ferraris, the legend
Case management for substance abusing parents and their children: a view from Europe. Substance abusing families in the Netherlands and Belgium
Fairness perceptions of video resumes among ethnically diverse applicants
Du parloir hollandais à la scène pragoise, en passant par la Bartholomew Fair : le merveilleux destin de 'la plus mauvaise marchandise' du siècle de Louis XIV
De stad verbeeld: de representatie van stedelijke ruimte in de late middeleeuwen en vroegmoderne tijd: een status quaestionis
What determines carpooling to workplaces in Belgium: location, organisation, or promotion?
Alcohol use among young adolescents in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Austria: The effects of type of education
Sick leave due to back pain in a cohort of young workers
Individual differences in reproductive strategy are related to views about recreational drug use in Belgium, the Netherlands and Japan