Complete dataset of bumblebee transitions in monospecific sites. ...
The Dutch Infant Caregiving Assessment Scales: Psychometric properties in mothers with and without a severe psychiatric disorder
Unraveling the transcriptional features and gene expression networks of pathogenic and saprotrophic Ophiostoma species during the infection of Ulmus americana
Scenario’s voor woonlocatiebeleid in Vlaanderen: criteria en doorrekening
Tax interaction among Walloon Municipalities: is there room for yardstick competition, intellectual trend and partisan monopoly effect?
Etude visant à définir les intérêts, les potentialités et la faisabilité de produire une cartographie des espaces verts en Wallonie, identification de la méthodologie et applicatio...
Baking Quality of Wheat (Triticum aestivum) Grown Intercropped with Leguminous Crops
Dung beetle and mammal dung data across a land-use gradient in Sabah, Malaysia
Dung beetle and mammal dung data across a land-use gradient in Sabah, Malaysia ...
Data_Sheet_1_Science communication under pressure: perspectives of Dutch researchers and journalists on COVID-19 communication challenges.pdf