Borders and the Mapping of the Malay World
Darwin looks North
The Linguistic Impact of Coronavirus on Online Service Offers in Spain as Well as France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the UK
Are Indonesians Sensitive to Contrastive Accentuation Below the Word Level?
Pendidikan pada Masa Pemerintahan Kolonial Belanda di Surabaya Tahun 1901-1942 (Education On Dutch Government In Surabaya At 1901-1942)
Wandering through the exotic battle zone; American journalists’ travel accounts of Indonesia during the Dutch-Indonesian war
Dampak Kawasan Konservasi Laut Daerah terhadap Kondisi Ekologi Terumbu Karang (Studi Kasus Desa Sabang Mawang dan Teluk Buton Kabupaten Natuna Provinsi Kepulauan Riau)
Pengaruh Terapi Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) terhadap Depresi pada Lansia di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha (PSTW) Sabai Nan Aluih Sicincin
The bryophytes of Sabah (North Borneo) with special reference to the BRYOTROP -transect of Mount Kinabalu. IV. Leucobryaceae (Bryopsida)
Searching transnational relations between Moluccans in the Netherlands and the Moluccas