List of parameters used for calculations in MINTRISK.
Overview of causing pathogens, vertebrate host animals, arthropod vectors, and geographical distribution of four vector-borne diseases a .
Pathways entered into MINTRISK to assess the introduction risk of each disease.
Flowchart of study population.
The association between total MVPA and all-cause mortality or MACE in healthy individuals stratified for education level.
STROBE checklist.
HRs (95% CI) for the association between total MVPA and cardiovascular mortality and incident MACE.
HRs (95% CI) for the association between total MVPA and all-cause mortality.
Sensitivity analyses for reverse causation bias and age-restricted (>50 years) analyses.
HRs (95% CI) for the association between leisure MVPA and all-cause mortality and MACE.