Whereas wee are informed, that divers merchants, strangers, & others, have lately brought into this kingdom several peices [sic] of Dutch coyne, commonly known by the name of n...
Arthropod count data and analysis programs ...
Photograph of Eibhlín and Michael Tierney talking to two unidentified girls at a reception at the Dutch Embassy, 160 Merrion Road, Dublin. ; Tierney/MacNeill Photographs
Ireland or the Netherlands: Which country is more entrepreneurial?
Formally counting electronic votes (but still only trusting paper)
Dutch Elm Disease and its Effect on the Arboriculture of a Western Suburb of Cork City
The state preferable to the Church, or, Reasons for making sale of the whole present property of the Church, in England and Ireland, for the use of the state, and for rendering the...
Whereas upon the French Kings declaring warr against His Majestie and his subjects, His Majestie hath issued his declaration against the French, which followeth in these words . by...
Raiffeisenism abroad : why did German microfinance fail in Ireland but prosper in the Netherlands?
Attitudes on TV Advertising for Children: a Survey among Flemish Parents of Children Aged 6 - 12 years.