Stable isotope (2H and 18O) depth profiles of pore waters and inferred soil physical parameters in the Attert catchment, Luxembourg
Muddy floods in the Belgian loess belt : problems and solutions ; Les inondations boueuses dans la région limoneuse belge: Problèmes et solutions ; : Modderoverlast in de Belgische...
Optical detection of harmful algal blooms in the Belgian coastal zone : a cautionary tale of chlorophyll c(3)
The chemistry of hyperalkaline springs in serpentinizing environments: 1. the composition of free gases in New Caledonia compared to other springs worldwide
Een ecohydrologische systeembeschrijving van het landinrichtingsgebied Ochten - Opheusden
Predictability of flash flooding in sloping dutch catchments (Rur, Niers and Swalm Rivers) ; Napovedljivost poplav na hudourniških prispevnih območjih vodotokov Rur, Niers in Swalm...
Speciation and bioavailability of copper in Lake Tjeukemeer
Spatio-temporal subsurface soil moisture (40 cm depth) within an agricultural field in the Netherlands ...
WATRO : beleidsondersteunend instrument op het gebied van water en milieu voor de ruimtelijke ordening