The Dutch Central Sensitization Inventory (CSI) : factor analysis, discriminative power, and test-retest reliability
Age of onset of non-suicidal self-injury in Dutch-speaking adolescents and emerging adults : an event history analysis of pooled data
Convergent validity of the Dutch central sensitization inventory: associations with psychophysical pain measures, quality of life, disability, and pain cognitions in patients with...
Dutch midwives' views on and experiences with woman-centred care : a Q-methodology study
No association between abdominal pain and Dientamoeba in Dutch and Belgian children
The woman-centeredness of various Dutch maternity service providers during antenatal and postnatal care
The validity of the sunfrail tool : a cross-sectional study among Dutch community-dwelling older people
The re-autonomization of the modal auxiliaries in Dutch
A comparison of the fear of childbirth scale with the Tilburg pregnancy distress scale to identify childbirth-related fear in a sample of Dutch pregnant women : a diagnostic accura...
The prediction of mortality by disability among Dutch community-dwelling older people