Differences in antibiotic prescribing quality in Belgian out-of-hours primary care services
Physical healthcare, health-related quality of life and global functioning of persons with a severe mental illness in Belgian long-term mental health assertive outreach teams : a c...
Ability to drive in patients with dizziness : the Belgian perspective
Increased anxiety and depression among Belgian sexual minority groups during the first COVID-19 lockdown-results from an online survey
Food media and dietary behavior in a Belgian adult sample : how obtaining information from food media sources associates with dietary behavior
Development, testing, and implementation of the Belgian Patient Reported Experience Measure for Pancreatic Cancer Care (PREPARE) project : protocol for a multi-method research proj...
Analytical performance of eight enzymatic assays for ethanol in serum evaluated by data from the Belgian external quality assessment scheme
Learning objectives of Belgian general practitioner trainees regarding their hospital training : a qualitative study
Clinically assessed and perceived unmet mental health needs, health care use and barriers to care for mental health problems in a Belgian general population sample
Evaluation of the Global Lung Function Initiative reference equations in Belgian adults