Institutional perspective on HRS4R. Case-study from ULg, Belgium
Outils pour la stratégie des ressources humaines en recherche HRS4R dans les établissements de recherche et d'enseignement supérieur de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Flowchart of study population.
The association between total MVPA and all-cause mortality or MACE in healthy individuals stratified for education level.
STROBE checklist.
HRs (95% CI) for the association between total MVPA and cardiovascular mortality and incident MACE.
HRs (95% CI) for the association between total MVPA and all-cause mortality.
Sensitivity analyses for reverse causation bias and age-restricted (>50 years) analyses.
HRs (95% CI) for the association between leisure MVPA and all-cause mortality and MACE.
HRs (95% CI) for the association between leisure MVPA and cardiovascular mortality and incident MACE.