“I have to think for four people”: Belgian Mothers’ Mental Labour during the Coronavirus Lockdowns
Work-to-family conflict, family-to-work conflict and their relation to perceived parenting and the parent-child relationship before and during the first Covid-19 lockdown
'Gender as a multi-layered issue in journalism: ' A multi-method approach to studying barriers for women in Belgian newsrooms
Gendered geography of energy consumption in the Netherlands
Desigualdade de género e o pay gap : estudo comparativo entre Dinamarca, Estónia, Espanha, Luxemburgo e Portugal
De capability approach als normatief-evaluatief kader voor sociale interventies: Kwalitatief onderzoek in India met inzichten voor de Vlaamse en Nederlandse praktijk
Les inégalités hommes-femmes dans l'utilisation du temps en Belgique
Opiate- and Cocaine-Related Fatal Overdoses in Luxembourg from 1985 to 2011: A study on Gender differences
Analyse des revenus individuels et de la dépendance financière des femmes et des hommes en Belgique
Distribution des revenus entre les partenaires des couples en Belgique