Fabrication des pipes hollandaises [de Gouda], les pipes sont cuites au four : [photographie de presse] / [Agence Rol]
Fanum Martis (Famars, Nord) : une officine de potiers au coeur de l’agglomération
Implementation of Excellence Public Relations and Coordinated Management of Meaning in the Socialization of the Four Main Pillars of SABar School Banyumas ; Implementasi Excellence...
Důležitý mezník českých dějin za vlády Lucemburků ; Important terminus of czech history during the reign of Luxembourg house
‘Gifts Can Sometimes Cost Dearly’. The Inside Story of Belgium’s Policy towards UNRRA Relief Operations ; „Dary mogą czasami drogo kosztować”. Kulisy polityki Belgii wobec akcji po...
Notes and Queries - volume 1 - Page 385
Englands tryumph, and Hollands downfall; or, the second royal victory, obtained upon the Hollanders fleet, in a sea-fight, by the King of Great Brittains [sic] Royal Navy, under th...
Differential item functioning graphs.
Data material.
Item threshold map of the BAT12 items and thresholds ordering on a logit scale (higher value indicates higher burnout) of the Burnout Assessment Tool.