5/26/06 Donor Dr. Jean Holland sits with medical student Jennifer Velander. (2/5)
5/26/06 Donor Dr. Jean Holland sits with medical student Jennifer Velander. (1/5)
5/26/06 Donor Dr. Jean Holland sits with medical student Jennifer Velander. (3/5)
Jeffrey Hollander papers
Offstage and Offscreen Space in Mamet's Theater/Film Translations. Belgian Luxemburg American Studies Association Conference. Brussels, Belgium.
Interpreting Liszt at the Keyboard: What Can The Recordings Tell Us?
Mabel K. Holland
The Economy of Endowments: The Case of Roman Associations. Banks, Loans, and Financial Archives in the Ancient World Conference. Brussels, Belgium.
Ut haec te figura docet: The Transformation of Music Theory Illustrations from Manuscripts to Print. 17th Congress of the International Musicology Society. Leuven, Belgium.
The Environment and Genetic Control of Seasonal Polyphenism in Larval Color and its Adaptive Significance in a Swallowtail Butterfly. 4th International Conference for the Biology o...