Arch of the Flemish from the Triumphal Entry of Philip III into Lisbon, 1619
Plate with the monogram VOC, for the Dutch East India Company (Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie)
The place of France and the Netherlands in world dairy trade ; La place de la France et des Pays-Bas dans le commerce mondial des produits laitiers
Flower growing in the Netherlands
Factores determinantes en las exportaciones peruanas de mango a Países Bajos durante el periodo 2013 - 2018 ; Factors that determined mango exports to the Netherlands during the pe...
Pengaruh Inflasi, Nilai Tukar, Ekspor dan Impor terhadap GDP di Negara Belgia
The duration of Dutch export relations:Decomposing firm, country and product characteristics
Imports and Exports at the Level of the Firm: Evidence from Belgium
Glasshouse horticulture in the Netherlands: governance for resilient and sustainable economies