Portugais, Néerlandais et Africains en Angola aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles : construction d'un espace colonial ; The Portuguese, Dutch and Africans in Angola during the sixteenth and...
Espaces de coopération et échange. L’alternative atlantique de la Société Hollandaise pour le commerce du Levant (1690-1750)
Transformações no uso da terra e na estrutura de solos no cerrado em áreas de expansão da cana-de-açúcar: o caso da microrregião de Quirinópolis, Goiás ; Changes in land use and st...
On the pronunciation of Dutch-language surnames from the field of sport by Polish native speakers – theoretical principles and exemplary analyses ; Zur Aussprache niederländischspr...
Grondwaterstudie in kader van uitbreiding van het Zwin
First records of the sponge crab Dromia personata (Brachyura) in the Netherlands and its historical findings in the North Sea
Causas y consecuencias de la expansión urbana en la vereda San José del Municipio de Sabaneta, período 2008-2019
The Early Years of the Dutch Military Intervention in Brazil, 1621-1635 ; Los años iniciales de la intervención bélica holandesa en Brasil, 1621-1635
Niveau d’éducation de la population du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg ; Educational level of the population of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg