Future city visions. The energy transition towards carbon-neutrality: lessons learned from the case of Roeselare, Belgium
Analysis of the Determining Factors for the Renovation of the Walloon Residential Building Stock
Renewable natural gas production via Sabatier reaction
Renewable natural gas production via Sabatier reaction ; Sabatier reaksiyonu ile yenilenebilir doğal gaz üretimi
Etude énergétique et typologique du parc résidentiel wallon en vue d'en dégager des pistes de rénovation prioritaires
Influence du territoire sur le bâti existant en Wallonie
Landscape user experiences of interspace and overhead agrivoltaics : A comparative analysis of two novel types of solar landscapes in the Netherlands
Mapping of Tidal Energy Potential based on High and Low Tides for Sabah and Sarawak ... : رسم خرائط إمكانات طاقة المد والجزر على أساس المد والجزر المرتفع والمنخفض لصباح وساراواك .....
Geothermal Energy Use, Country Update for Belgium
Experimental determination of demand side management potential of wet appliances in the Netherlands