Analysis methodology, experimental investigation and computer optimization of a passive solar commercial building in the Belgian climate
The Role of Electrofuels under Uncertainties for the Belgian Energy Transition
Communauté d’Energie Renouvelable (CER): un bref regard sur l’état d’avancement de la législation ; Belgique
City Energy Management : A Case Study on the Area of Liège in Belgium
Introduction of the human factor in the EPC/EAP assessment in Wallonia
Le rendez-vous manqué de la Wallonie avec les communautés d’énergie renouvelable
Keep it green, simple and socially fair : A choice experiment on prosumers’ preferences for peer-to-peer electricity trading in the Netherlands
Growing community energy initiatives from the bottom up : Simulating the role of behavioural attitudes and leadership in the Netherlands
Designing sustainable energy landscapes : concepts, principles and procedures
Cultural legitimacy and innovation journeys : a new perspective applied to Dutch and British nuclear power