Local Network for Combating Illiteracy (City C, The Netherlands)
Local Network for Combating Illiterarcy (City A, The Netherlands)
Local Network for Combating Illiterarcy (City B, The Netherlands)
'Welfare markets’: lessons from contracting out the delivery of welfare to work programmes in Australia and the Netherlands
Application of FTA and the perceived impact on employment policies: the case of nanotechnology in the Netherlands, Germany and Portugal
Jaunimo užimtumas: Lietuvos ir Nyderlandų patirtis ; Youth Employment: the experience of Lithuania and Netherlands (benchmark)
Careful or lenient:welfare reform for lone mothers in the Netherlands
Joint Committee for Counterterrorism of the Dutch national government agencies
Sur la ligne de front de l’emploi: Les politiques wallonnes d’accompagnement des demandeurs d’emploi dans l’isolement du bureau
Komparace vybraných segmentů trhu práce České republiky a Nizozemí ; The Comparison of the Selected Labour Markets Segments in the Czech Republic and the Netherlands