Éducation physique inclusive – Les enseignant(e)s de l’enseignement fondamental luxembourgeois à la loupe ; Inclusive physical education. Luxembourg primary school teachers in focu...
Eindrapport van de Werkgroep Wiskunde, ingesteld door de Commissie WO - HBO (THE) en de directeuren van de Zuidelijke HTS'en (te weten Breda, Eindhoven, Heerlen, 's-Hertogenbosch,...
Structural and Process Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care Provisions in Poland and the Netherlands: A Cross-National Study Using Cluster Analysis
Choice of schools in six nations : France, Netherlands, Belgium, Britain, Canada, West Germany /
De leraarsopleiding aan de Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven
Autonomy vs. Control: Quality Assurance and Governmental Policy in Flanders
Assessment in a globalized economy: A task-based approach to assess the proficiency of Dutch in specific occupational domains
Learning by Adoption: The International Adoption Experience of Canadian and Dutch Adoptive Parents of Children from the United States
Rapport d'activité 2003
Rapport d'activité 2002