Grazing by meso- and microzooplankton on phytoplankton in the upper reaches of the Schelde estuary (Belgium/The Netherlands)
Mites and archanaeozoology. General methods:applications tot Dutch sites.
Roman road pollution assessed by elemental and lead isotope geochemistry in East Belgium
Rapport analytique 2006-2007 sur l'état de l'environnement wallon
Rapport sur l’état de l’environnement. Tableau de bord de l’environnement wallon 2008
OSPAR threatened and/or declining species and habitats in the Netherlands
Use of the East Anglia Offshore windfarm area, UK, by seals tracked from the Netherlands
La vie des mares de nos campagnes
Melkviooltje (Viola persicifolia Schreber) in Nederland in verleden en heden; 1 variëteiten, voorkomen, standplaats en plantensociologische positie