Data for: The Stavelot-Venn Massif (Ardenne, Belgium), a rift shoulder basin ripped off the West African craton: cartography, stratigraphy, sedimentology, new U-Pb on zircon ages,...
Influence of flood risk characteristics on flood insurance demand: a comparison between Germany and the Netherlands
Replication Data for: Damage to dykes and levees in The Netherlands is extensive and increases with Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) density
A soil sampling program for the Netherlands
Chronology and correlation of Late Weichselian and Holocene depositional evironments in Belgium and The Netherlands based on optically stimulated luminescence dating
Microalgae as a protein rich livestock feed ingredient in The Netherlands: an environmental sustainability analysis
Allocation approaches to deal with the cascading use of resources along a water treatment chain : the case of the resource footprint of sewage sludge valorisation in The Netherland...
Studie van de grondwaterstanden in het Nederlands-Belgisch grensgebied van de Kalmthoutse Heide
Hydrogeologisch matematisch model van het Nederlands-Belgisch grensgebied in de omgeving van de Kalmthoutse heide
TGO-81/08a: Hydrogeologische kaartenatlas Kalmthout-Essen (kaartbladen N.G.I. nrs. 1/7, 1/8, 7/3 en 7/4), TGO-81/08b: Hydrogeologisch matematisch model van het Nederlands-Belgisch...