Network Programming with SRv6 ; Belgium
N2O exchanges by three agricultural plots in Southern Belgium: Dynamics and response to meteorological drivers and agricultural practices. ; Echanges de N2O sur trois sites agricol...
Modelling forest dynamics to assess and improve forest management at a regional scale: an analysis of forest changes in Wallonia (southern Belgium). ; Modéliser la dynamique forest...
Assessing soil cracks’ dynamics in relation to mucilage application and soil hydraulic properties under different soil management practices in Wallonia Belgium, using image analysi...
Modelling the Influence of Climate Change on Heating, Cooling Energy Demands, Thermal Comfort, and GHG Emissions for the Building Stock in Belgium
Remote sensing applications for the characterization and management of riparian vegetation in Southern Belgium ; Utilisation de la télédétection pour la caractérisation et la gesti...
Conception d’un catalogue des stations dans le cadre de la gestion intégrée des forêts hygrophiles : application à l’aulne glutineux (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) en Région wallon...
Les conditions du projet populaire. Paradoxes socio-spatiaux et jeu de tensions en Hainaut franco-belge. ; The conditions of the popular project. Socio-spatial paradoxes and tensio...
A battlefield of imperishable memory ? The 1917 Belgium campaigns in Australian collective memory ...
Reimaging seventeenth-century Dutch still life: a transformation into contemporary painting ...