Nederlandse Hartstichting
Programa d’educació per la salut: Promoció dels hàbits d’alimentació saludables i activitat física per a la prevenció del risc cardiovascular a adults d’entre 50 i 70 anys d’edat a...
Study on health risk factors as a basis to implement programs that promote a nutritional culture in students of the la Sabana University ; Estudio sobre factores de riesgo para la...
Drivers and perceived constraints on Dutch dairy farms to engage in disease prevention
Crioconservación de semen y calidad espermática en sabaleta Brycon henni (Pisces: Characidae) ; Semen cryoconservation and sperm quality regardin the Neotropical fish Brycon henni...
Leveraging FHIR in Federated Learning Environments: A Data Harmonization Framework for Cohort Studies
Cohort profile: LifeLines DEEP, a prospective, general population cohort study in the northern Netherlands: study design and baseline characteristics
Mum to mum : an evaluation of a community based health promotion programme for first-time mothers in the Netherlands
Oral contraception in adolescents with type 1 diabetes and its association with cardiovascular risk factors : a multicenter DPV study on 24 011 patients from Germany, Austria or Lu...
Risk analysis of classical swine fever introduction