Prins of boswachter? Interpretatie van subjectanaforen in het nederlands als tweede taal
The out-of-pocket burden of chronic diseases: the cases of Belgian, Czech and German older adults
Europe: Showing the locations of various carved wooden altars, museums and landmarks
Manifestaciones de la leyenda negra antiespañola en los países checos y posibles vías de su difusión
Central bank independence in another eleven countries ...
Česko-holandská partnerství. Sociální integrace Češek v holandském kulturním prostředí ; Czech-Dutch partnerships. Social integration of Czech women in Dutch cultural environment...
Analýza zakončování útoku na ME 2012 ve fotbale ; The analysis of finishing attacks in football at EURO 2012
The Luxembourg Period (1310–1437) and its Habsburg Epilogue (1438–1457) in the Bohemian Crown From the Silesian Perspective. Few Generalization on the 666 Th Anniversary of the Imp...
Analyse van de Nederlandse idiomen met 'geld' en de mate van semantische equivalentie met Tsjechische idiomen ; Analysis of the Dutch Idioms Containing the Word "Money" and their S...
Václav IV. a Dolní Lužice v písemnostech postupimského archivu | Wenceslas IV and Lower Lusatia in Potsdam archive documents