The Application of Citizen Science Approach in an Ichthyofaunal Survey at Tagal Sites in Upper Moyog River, Sabah, East Malaysia
Butterfly Fauna in Kadamaian Area, Kota Belud, Sabah: A Survey during Borneo Geographic Expedition 2019
Community preparedness in ecotourism development and their role in maintaining the natural resources in Kadamaian area, Sabah
Conservation Agriculture and glyphosate : Strategies, lock-ins and diversity in the Walloon Region
Presence and habitat use of the endangered Bornean elephant (Elephas maximus borneensis) in the INIKEA rehabilitation project site (Sabah, Malaysia) : a pilot study
Conservation of Limestone Ecosystems of Malaysia, Part VII, Detailed information on limestone outcrops of Labuan and Sabah. eISBN 978-967-25534-3-4
Cultuurhistorie en beheer : een voorbeeldstudie naar het gewenste beheer van archeologische, bouwhistorische en historisch-geografische objecten aan de hand van 's-Hertogenbosch en...
De huidige verspreiding en de mogelijke toekomst van het litoraal zeegras in de Nederlandse Waddenzee
Buildings behaving badly : a behavioral experiment on how different motivational frames influence residential energy label adoption in the Netherlands
Buildings behaving badly: a behavioral experiment on how different motivational frames influence residential energy label adoption in the Netherlands