Judicial and extra-judicial protection regarding public contracts in the Netherlands
Recommendations for the treatment of epilepsy in adult patients in general practice in Belgium : an update
Whole Transcriptome Analysis of the Coral Acropora millepora Reveals Complex Responses to CO2-driven Acidification during the Initiation of Calcification
Mandatory surveillance and outbreaks reporting of the WHO priority pathogens for research & discovery of new antibiotics in European countries.
Das Ende der Zusammenschlussbefreiung : Optimierungspotenziale des Kostenfaktors Umsatzsteuer für Finanzdienstleistungsunternehmen ; The end of the VAT exemption for cost sharing a...
Dying in the dust ; Peter Ellem and Warren Croser
Biorefinery of microalgal soluble proteins by sequential processing and membrane filtration
Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) leaf photosynthesis in relation to nitrogen content and temperature : implications for hemp as a bio-economically sustainable crop
Assessing landscape preferences: a visual choice experiment in the agricultural region of Märkische Schweiz, Germany
Despliegue técnico, expansión burocrática y conflictos políticos: el accionar policial en tiempos del Sabattinismo (1936-1943), Córdoba-Argentina ; Technical Deployment, Bureaucrat...