Die Bestimmung der technisch wichtigsten physikalischen Eigenschaften der Thone, wie Plasticität, Bindevermögen, Schwinden und Feuerbeständigkeit nach Zahlen. Theilweise erläut...
Supplementary data for: Evaluating the quantification of the clay mineralogy of the Rupelian Boom Clay in Belgium by a detailed study of size fractions ...
Application of modified cam-clay model to reconstituted clays of the sabana de Bogotá ; Aplicación del modelo cam-clay modificado en arcillas reconstituidas del la sabana de Bogotá...
Liekki Ceramic Pot
Design of a Curved Duplex Façade for a 67 m High Residential Tower at the Belgian Coast
Recommendation on chemical contaminants in mineral clay
Water retention properties of two deep Tertiary clay formations within the context of radioactive waste disposal.
The use of a DMT to monitor the stability of the slopes of a clay exploitation pit in the Boom clay in Belgium
De bodemgesteldheid van en kleivoorkomens in de uitbreiding van het landinrichtingsgebied Land van Maas en Waal : resultaten van een bodemgeografisch onderzoek