Occurrence of a 16SrIV group phytoplasma not previously associated with palm species in Yucatan, Mexico
Establecimiento de condiciones in vitro para la inducción de Morfogénesis en Dioon merolae De Luca, Sabato y Vázquez Torres (Zamiaceae) especie en peligro de extinción
Potentials of airborne hyperspectral remote sensing for vegetation mapping of spatially heterogeneous dynamic dunes, a case study along the Belgian coastline
Classification, Class P, Subclass PT, part 2, Dutch and Scandinavian literatures (with supplementary pages).
A teleost otolith fauna from the sands of Lede, Belgium
Multidisciplinary consensus on the terminology and classification of complaints of the arm, neck and/or shoulder
A Bayesian Framework for Age-Modeling of Radiocarbon-Dated Peat Deposits: Case Studies From the Netherlands
Patriarcado, clase y poder : procesos de producción de igualdades y disparidades sociales en Sabancuy, Campeche, 1940-2010
The sexual politics of nation branding in global/creative Luxembourg: a queer perspective
Catching-up with genetic progress: Simulation of potential production for modern wheat cultivars in the Netherlands