De la race bovine hollandaise dans le nord-est de la France.
Gesamtbericht über die Untersuchung der Milch von dreiundsechszig Kühen des in Ostpreussen rein gezüchteten holländischen Schlages während der Dauer einer oder mehrerer Laktat...
Some information concerning the North Holland or Friesian breed of black and white piebald cattle /
Natuurlyke historie van Holland /
The dairy cow. A monograph on the Ayrshire breed of cattle. by E. Lewis Sturtevant, M. D., and Joseph N. Sturtevant . With an appendix on Ayrshire, Jersey, and Dutch milks: their f...
Dutch-Friesian herd book.
Justamere Ranch structures on Dutch Creek
Inbreeding depression across the genome of Dutch Holstein Friesian dairy cattle
Desempenho reprodutivo em rebanhos da raça holandesa no Estado de Minas Gerais
Characterization of Genetic Diversity Conserved in the Gene Bank for Dutch Cattle Breeds