Shield of Wisdom
Throne of the Third Duke of Alba
Satire on the Statue of the Duke of Alba
Networks of Confessional Affiliation: Religious Choice and the Schism of Utrecht ...
Reconstructing the Middle Ages. Dirck van Bleyswijck’s Beschryvinge der stadt Delft and its uneasy relationship with the past
Flanders and the Netherlands showing the Spread of the Beeldenstorm (Iconoclasm)
Alba as St. George defeating a three-headed monster
Moved by Faith: Transnational experience, local perspective.The Belgians at the Eucharistie Congress of Chicago (1926)
Medzi krížom a kladivom. Recepcia sociálneho myslenia v katolíckej cirkvi v prvej polovici 20. storočia ; Between Cross and Hammer. Reception of Social Thought in the Catholic Chur...
Het dompertje van den ouden Valentijn , 1867-1900: strijdorgaan voor de katholieke zaak