L'élevage des ruminants, un élément clé de notre territoire
Analyse des changements structurels de la consommation alimentaire en Belgique : l’évolution de la demande en produits animaux d’origine bovine
Les produits animaux dans l’assiette des Wallons
Nutritional content, protein quantity, protein quality and carbon footprint of plant-based drinks and semi-skimmed milk in the Netherlands and Europe
Behavior of bovine mastitis and its ecomic impact in some farms of Bogota’s, Savannah, Colombia ; Comportamiento de la mastitis bovina y su impacto económico en algunos hatos de la...
Monitoring of the intra-dermal tuberculosis skin test performed by Belgian field practitioners.
Exploring the microbial composition of Holstein Friesian and Belgian Blue colostrum in relation to the transfer of passive immunity
Bovine-associated MRSA ST398 in The Netherlands
Data underlying the manuscript: The effect of new bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) introduction on somatic cell count, calving interval, culling rate and calf mortality of dairy...
Longitudinal study on morbidity and mortality in white veal calves in Belgium