Cysticercosis and taeniasis cases diagnosed at two referral medical institutions, Belgium, 1990 to 2015
Efficacy of a voluntary BVDV control programme: Experiences from the Netherlands
The effectiveness of bovine tuberculosis surveillance in Dutch badgers
Correlación de las alteraciones producidas por la leptospirosis a nivel hepato-renal con variables productivas y reproductivas en bovinos de la Sabana de Bogotá ; Correlation of al...
Gestation and puerperium influence over ter blood proteinogram of bovines of the black and white Dutch breed ; Influência, da gestação e do puerpério sobre o proteinograma sanguíne...
Interests of Pregnancy Follow-Up in Cows after Embryo Transfer_Special Focusing on IVP and NT
Epidemiological reflections on bovine viral diarrhoea virus control in Belgian cattle herds based on experimental infections and observational studies
Advice BSE and non-traceable cattle
La race hollandaise au Maroc
Data underlying the publication: The effect of bovine viral diarrhea virus introduction on milk production of Dutch dairy herds