Effects of liming on the ground vegetation of a Corsican pine stand in Flanders, Belgium
Minerale voedingstoestand van de Europese beuk gaat achteruit (NB 05/15)
Declining atmospheric deposition impacts forest soil solution chemistry in Flanders, Belgium
Krakende dennentakken in het bosvitaliteitsmeetnet
Do changes in forest soil properties reflect the decrease of acidifying deposition in Flanders?
Increasing dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) concentrations and fluxes in temperate forests under recovery from acidification in Flanders, Belgium
Increasing dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) levels in temperate forests under acidification recovery and climate change in Flanders
Trends and patterns of DON and DOC/DON in deposition and soil solution in Flanders, Northern Belgium
Hoe gezond zijn onze bossen?:monitoring van vlaamse bossen in het kader van het europees bosvitaliteitsonderzoek
Gezondheidstoestand van beuk in Vlaanderen goed