Seasonal and Spatial Dynamics of the Primary Vector of Plasmodium knowlesi within a Major Transmission Focus in Sabah, Malaysia ... : الديناميات الموسمية والمكانية للناقل الأساسي ل...
Malaria’s Eve: Evidence of a recent population bottleneck throughout the world populations of Plasmodium falciparum
Phylogenetic analysis of simian Plasmodium spp. infecting Anopheles balabacensis Baisas in Sabah, Malaysia ... : التحليل الوراثي لمتصورات القردة الجنوبية التي تصيب الأنوفيليس بالاب...
Molecular detection of human Plasmodium species in Sabah using PlasmoNex™ multiplex PCR and hydrolysis probes real-time PCR ... : الكشف الجزيئي عن أنواع المتصورة البشرية في صباح با...
Overview of input parameters in MINTRISK.
Overview of the intermediate results for each input step and results for each output parameter of MINTRISK.
Outline of MINTRISK.
Schematic overview of how qualitative input into MINTRISK is transformed into quantitative input that can be used for the model calculations and how results are subsequently transf...
Risk scores (median values) and their uncertainty (95% uncertainty interval) for the rate of introduction of four vector-borne diseases for the Netherlands via selected pathways.
Risk scores (median values) and their uncertainty (95% uncertainty interval) for the estimated epidemic size of four vector-borne diseases for the Netherlands.