Miniatures and borders from a Flemish Horae, British Museum add. ms. 24098, early sixteenth century, reproduced in honour of Sir George Warner. Printed for the subscribers .
Hours of Catherine of Cleves: Adoration of the Child (folio 35v)
Hours of Catherine of Cleves: Maria Lactans and Joseph Eating/ Holy family at Supper, detail (page 151)
Les Heures de Notre Dame dites de Hennessy : étude sur un manuscrit de la Bibliothèque royale de Belgique /
Le Bréviaire de Philippe le Bon : reproduction des miniatures des manuscrits nos 9511 et 9026 de la Bibliothèque royale de Belgique
Image, Knife, and Gluepot
0. Introduction: Hybrid Books in Flux
1. Cut, Pasted, and Cut Again: The Fate of 140 German and Netherlandish Single-Leaf Prints at the Hands of a Limburg Franciscan and a Modern Connoisseur
2. A Novel Function for the Calendar in Add. Ms. 24332
3. The Beghards in the Sixteenth Century