Unmanned aerial vehicle for the assessment of woody and herbaceous phytomass in Sahelian savanna ; Un dron para la evaluación de la fitomasa leñosa y herbácea de las sabanas saheli...
A carbon footprint assessment of multi‐output biorefineries with international biomass supply: a case study for the Netherlands
Opportunities and Barriers for Biomass Gasification for Green Gas in the Dutch Residential Sector
The macrobenthic fauna in the Dutch sector of the North Sea in 2000 and a comparison with previous data
Modellering van groei en predatie van haring ( Clupea harengus ) in het Schelde-estuarium
Les impacts du développement de la biomasse-énergie sur le territoire wallon
Introduction: objectives and outline of the thesis
Greenhouse gas reporting of the LULUCF sector: background to the Dutch NIR 2011
QSMs, point cloud and harvest data from a destructive forest biomass experiment in Belgium using terrestrial laser scanning
Forage quality in a neotropical savanna based on different types of fertilization ; Calidad del forraje en una sabana neotropical basada en diferentes tipos de fertilización