Diversification Attributes of Dutch REITs During Recessions:Return, Standard Deviation and Liquidity Characteristics ; Diversifieringsattribut hos nederländska REITs underlågkonjun...
Feasibility and Usage of RFID in Small and Medium-sized Companies in Germany and the Netherlands
Home-ownership and asset-based welfare: the case of Belgium
Cost overruns of Belgian transport infrastructure projects: Analyzing variations over three land transport modes and two project phases
Asset management of flood defences as a co‐production—An analysis of cooperation in five situations in the Netherlands
Exploring assets of people with memory problems and dementia in public space: A qualitative study
Propuesta metodológica simplificada para la medición del valor razonable bajo NIIF de activos biológicos : estudio de caso empresa floricultura de la sabana de Bogotá
Tourism and Local Economic Development in King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality, South Africa: Stakeholder Perspectives
Eindelijk restitutie:De totstandkoming van Nederlandse akkoorden over joodse oorlogstegoeden (1997-2000)
Trade between China and the Netherlands: a Case Study of Globalization