English Names and Misnomers for the Germans: Dutch, German, Teutons
An atypical presentation of leiomyosarcoma causing extremity compartment syndrome of the crural region in a Dutch Warmblood mare: a case report
Chronic health conditions and work-related stress in older adults participating in the Dutch workforce
Contributions of amino acid, acylcarnitine and sphingolipid profiles to type 2 diabetes risk among South-Asian Surinamese and Dutch adults
Double Dutch: the Boate Brothers and colonial cosmography
Assaults on belonging: how Dutch youth without ‘blue eyes, cheese, and clogs’ experience everyday racism in educational contexts
Buddhists and Christians in Holland: A Historic Encounter
New insight in lymnaeid snails (Mollusca, Gastropoda) as intermediate hosts of Fasciola hepatica (Trematoda, Digenea) in Belgium and Luxembourg
Assisted dying and palliative care in three jurisdictions: Flanders, Oregon, and Quebec
‘Flemish’ settlement in Upper Clydesdale in the 12th and 13th centuries: the evidence of place-names