On the Propagation of Reaction Fronts in a Sandy Aquifer Over 20+ Years: Lessons From a Test Site in Northwestern Germany
Study of historical groundwater level changes in two Belgian chalk aquifers in the context of climate change impacts
On the Propagation of Reaction Fronts in a Sandy Aquifer Over 20+ Years: Lessons From a Test Site in Northwestern Germany ...
Elektromagnetische metingen voor het bepalen van de diepte tot hydrologisch slecht doorlatende lagen : een statistische en ruimtelijke analyse van hydrologisch slecht doorlatende b...
Managed Aquifer Recharge in Wallonia (Belgium) The MARWAL Project
Case study 2: Groundwater – surface water interaction in limestone areas of the GWB BE_Meuse_RWM021 (Belgium)
Compilation of data collected and fed into a hydrogeological database in the Walloon Meuse catchment region
Synthesis of data availability for the river Meuse and the aquifer located in the alluvial plain in the Walloon Meuse catchment region
Hydrogéologie d'un aquifère karstique des calcaires carbonifères (Néblon-Anthisnes, Belgique): Apport des traçages à la connaissance des milieux fissurés et karstifiés.