Electrical resistivity survey data for potential aquifer in Banggi Island, Sabah, Malaysia
Paramètres hydrologiques et physico-chimiques de sources de Haute Belgique ; Hydrological and physico-chemical parameters of some springs of High Belgium
Predicting interactions between three neighbor open-loop Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) systems in two overlaying aquifers in Brussels (Belgium)
Plan de Gestión Ambiental del acuífero de la formación Guadalupe y de los cerros orientales como zona de recarga a partir de la evaluación del índice de escasez de aguas subterráne...
Hydrology of the karstic basin of Sprimont, Belgium : On the use of spectrofluorimetry and pharmaceutical substances as a supporting tool for hydrochemistry analysis
Essais de traçage et modélisation pour l'étude des zones de prévention d'un captage dans les craies du Crétacé (Belgique)
Conceptual market potential framework of high temperature aquifer thermal energy storage - A case study in the Netherlands
Groundwater salinization and freshening processes in the Luy River coastal aquifer, Vietnam
The first known piezometric map in the world was published in 1856 in Belgium
Evaluation of Water Resources Quality in Sabodala Gold Mining Region and Its Surrounding Area (Senegal)